I just had to share a great deal I just got on Huggies wipes. I got 3 refill packs with 216 wipes in each pack (648 total wipes), which is equivalent to 9 of the tubs. I ordered them off of Amazon.com, and if you are a mom and don't know, sign up for the Amazon Mom program to immediately get a % off of diapers and wipes. Also, if you sign up for Subscribe and Save, you get another % off of all sorts of items. The total % off if you sign up for both deals is 20% (or 30% if you were already signed up. The discount just changed and went down to 20%). So, the wipes were originally $21.47. After the discount they went down to $14.03 (I was already signed up so I got 30% off). Then I had two $10 gift cards to Amazon that I earned from Swagbucks.com (this place is awesome if you haven't heard of it!). Oh, and I got free shipping. Grand total after all of my discounts.....$4.03!! I'm happy with that :)
Long Narrow Multipurpose Living Space
3 weeks ago